

Exploring Hidden Family Dynamics

What are Family Constellations?

Family Constellations serve as a therapeutic tool guiding individuals to observe the hidden dynamics that bind them to their family system. Founded by Bert Hellinger, this approach reveals that we often repeat challenges from our ancestors, spanning up to seven generations back. If we encounter difficulties in areas such as relationships, work, health symptoms, or family relations, it may indicate an unconscious aspect within ourselves or our family system that needs exploration, integration, and resolution.

Family Constellations provide a fresh understanding and perspective on our lineage. By acknowledging the strengths and experiences of our ancestors, we gain the freedom to live our lives with wings powered by the love within our family.

“In all systems, we seek disorderly love to bring order.”

Themes and benefits

Family Constellations address both everyday and existential themes, including:

  • Family Conflicts
  • Personal Relationships
  • Behavior Patterns
  • Grief and Loss
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Inherited Matters
  • Parenting Challenges
  • Self-Esteem and Self-Acceptance
  • Life Decisions
  • Personal and Spiritual Growth


Family Constellations do not cure individual difficulties but offer awareness and systemic movements that release us from entangled information.


  • Individual Family Constellations (Custom Sessions): Tailored to address specific issues and facilitate personal growth through family constellations. Therapy adapts to individual needs, with the flexibility to extend sessions as required.
  • Group Family Constellations (Scheduled Events): Engage in collective family constellations sessions, where you can explore family dynamics collectively. This option fosters understanding through shared experiences with other participants.

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Individual Family Constellations

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Group Family Constellations

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